Storytellers in Residence

Exploring themes and rhythms through oral storytelling and composition across the 7 West Cork Islands.

Our Storytellers in Residence Programme for the West Cork Islands has now begun. This 10-month adventure features acclaimed storytellers Paddy O’Brien, Nuala Hayes, and Simone Schuemmelfeder. Supported by Creative Places West Cork Islands, the ‘Three Heads / Na Trí Chinn’ will work across the Islands Dursey, Bere, Whiddy, Long, Heir, Sherkin, and Oileán Chléire. There will be participatory live events, storytelling, song, story exchanges, folklore research, video, and podcasts..

The residency also collaborates with the @cape_clear_storytelling_fest and @storytellers_of_ireland to enhance storytelling traditions locally and internationally.

Cape Clear International Storytelling Festival.

  • Research potential engagements and opportunities across the seven islands.
  • Engage islanders with stories connected to place and culture on the West Cork Islands.
  • Explore themes and rhythms through oral storytelling and composition.
  • Develop their own practice through the creation of new work.
  • Create events, activities and instances that are informed by islander life and experience.
  • Connect with the Gaeltacht culture and language of Oileán Chléire through story.