Storytellers in Residence

Storytellers in Residence. Creative Places West Cork Islands is delighted to announce that acclaimed storytellers Paddy O’Brien, Nuala Hayes and Simone Schuemmelfeder undertake a 10-month residency across the seven inhabited West Cork islands with their project entitled

Storytellers in Residence

Sea & Stone, Island Art Works & Artefacts. The exhibition will showcase a selection of works from the past two years of the ‘Creative Places West Cork Islands’ project, presented alongside creative artefacts that are unique to the islands, including painted plaques, knots and ropes, Irish knitting, leatherwork, books, paintings, and films.


Ocean & Environment

Eóin Heaney is the recipient of the Creative Places West Cork Islands Ocean and Environment Commission. An acclaimed Irish filmmaker renowned for his evocative storytelling and innovative cinematic techniques.

How You Can Get Involved


Our programme will be a mix of large and small solo, group and community-based projects. We would encourage active participation as a creative, as an audience member and as a member of the community. 

Join the conversation

Contact us with your ideas or suggestions on what Creative Places can be now and into the future

Apply For Project Funding

We have opportunities from time to time, please see our services page for more infomation. 

Express an Interest

If you have a project in mind, are working on a proposal through the open calls or want to know more about the opportunities surrounding Creative Places WCI, get in touch.

Our Partnership